
"Utopia" is a word derived from Greek that refers to an imagined future world of idealised perfection. But as the world's great philosophers have often pointed out: "The other world is this world rightly seen." We are already surrounded by immense beauty if we can learn to look at the world that surrounds us. It is this ever-present perfection that this exciting new collection from Snow Leopard Designs portrays. From the tropical jungles full of exotic parrots, toucans, and hibiscus flowers, to the beauty of the corals in the sea to the dragonflies, butterflies, frogs, and lizards. It is with them that we share this amazing world. I hope that through this new collection, you will be able to bring that same sense of wonder that we see in the great dance of creation into your quilting and crafting projects.

Ships in April 2025

by Snow Leopard Designs

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