Fortunate Findings Quilt Challenge

Featuring Findings and Grace by Valori Wells

May - December 2025

Retailers: Download Marketing Assets

Create a quilt that tells your story. Embark on a journey of creative reflection through the Fortunate Findings Quilt Challenge! This challenge extends a heartfelt invitation to reflect on your own life's path. What makes your journey uniquely yours? Whether through piecing, appliqué, embroidery, or the manipulation of fabric; modern, artistic or traditional viewpoint, craft a quilt that is an artistic mirror of your life's journey—a celebration of your fortunate findings.

Challenge Criteria:

          • Each quilt must use 100% FreeSpirit fabrics.
          • A minimum of 50% of the fabric must be from Findings by Valori Wells (delivers May, 2025) and/or a combination of Findings and Grace (available now) by Valori Wells.
          • Quilt Size: 60” x 60” (1.52m x 1.52m).

To Enter:

            • Submit a Fortunate Findings Quilt Challenge Form online by December 30, 2025. Link to come.
            • Post photo(s) of quilt via social media using #valoriwellsfortunatefindingschallenge #freespiritfabrics and tag @freespiritfabrics @valoriwells by December 30, 2025.
            • Qualifying submissions will be posted for public vote on on January 30, 2026.
            • The top 12 submissions with the most votes will be the winners.

The 12 winning quilts will be showcased in:

                • Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show 2026, attended by more than 10,000.
                • Fall International Quilt Market and Festival 2026, attended by more than 40,000.

1st, 2nd, and 3rd place and an honorable mention will be awared:

              • Prize Ribbon.
              • FreeSpirit shopping spree at their local retailer ($250 US or equal converted monetary value).