
My fourth collection for FreeSpirit Fabrics is called Eclipse. This collection was inspired by a combination of events that were happening in my life during 2024. On April 8th, The Great North American Eclipse occurred, inspiring me in many ways. I viewed the Eclipse in New York City at Madison Square Park; the park was filled with thousands of people leaving their busy workday to come together and view this natural wonder. In a city that can often make you feel anonymous, sharing this amazing experience with so many people was heartwarming and created a sense of mutual togetherness. At this time, I was also expecting my first child and was going through an eclipse of changes in both my physical body and life. I was evolving to become a mother and moving out of NYC after calling it home for fourteen years. With so many changes in my life, it was both a terrifying and exciting time. My art has always been an extension of my emotions, and the pieces I create help me work through them. The Eclipse collection captures these emotions with a sense of movement, roundness, boldness, togetherness, layers of light and dark, and intertwined, directional prints. The fourteen designs are made from my original monotypes. Monotypes are a one-of-a-kind printmaking practice created by painting directly onto a plate and running the plate through a printing press. In my monotypes for Eclipse, I utilized unique and unexpected textures of both natural and man-made objects such as vegetable wrappers, bubble wrap, netting, or discarded plastic packaging in my work. I enjoy this printmaking process because it involves a sense of spontaneity and it always includes an element of surprise. I look forward to seeing how you use the Eclipse collection in your next projects.

Ships in September 2025

by Sarah Sczepanski Artxtiles

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